smile and go for the throat
hold up
Scarlett gets paid $20 million with a corridor for a $50 million box office bonus
Disney flips the release model and doesn’t take her calls to update the deal, even though they had agreed to do so in writing
Disney makes an extra $60 million streaming
Disney stock price booms
Scarlett does not get paid — and I’m guessing she’s not alone
This shit happens everyday at every level of the industry
we have unpaid invoices from top brands and agencies that are two years old and still outstanding
everyone from burgeoning freelancers to A-list superstars have this experience in common
if they won’t spare Scarlett, you think they’ll spare you?
which is exactly why Soulmatter trains and advocates for Artists to be sophisticated in business practices and dealmaking
we face this exploitative force on a daily basis from the world’s largest, most prestigious, and most profitable brands
no judgement, they’re obviously not all bad, but frankly this is cringeworthy
so what are we to do?
1 first off, no pity parties, it’s not personal, it’s for their maximum legal and financial protection — so enforce your own maximum legal and financial protection
2 they are not the boss, you set the rules of the engagement — ANY engagement you’re in
3 enforce strict boundaries and criteria when qualifying — determine a bad fit fast and gtfo
4 no ambiguity, talk out the details and get them in writing early — no services rendered until you’re formally engaged
5 say no to exploitation, smile and go for the throat — no shade and no discounts